Trade 365

Trade 365
With our websites that will introduce our industry companies to the world 365 days a year, our exporters will be able to add their products to the system and open up to the world of global exports by making virtual meetings.
Digital platforms, virtual fairs and conferences are now driving trade. We, as İDDMİB, held more than 1,400 bilateral meetings with the participation of 151 Turkish companies and 450 foreign companies in 15 countries in 2020. Our Virtual Committees have received a very high demand from our member companies. Our companies got to know the market and gained information by communicating with local companies. We think that these delegations, which we organized in order to maintain the virtual trade in this period when physical trade cannot be carried out with the support provided by the state, satisfied our members. While it was not possible to carry out bilateral business meetings by visiting 5 countries within 1 week by finding a suitable time frame physically, the buyers of 5 countries were met in 5 days in virtual delegations. We learned that these virtual activities, carried out in line with the feedback we received from our members, turned into concrete commercial relations. This showed us that it is possible to make sales and increase the customer portfolio outside of physical and traditional marketing methods.
Many of our members have their own websites and virtual marketing platforms. Our aim with our Trade 365 Project is to provide promotional support to our members who have already completed their digital transformation, and to offer visibility to our members who have not yet achieved this transformation.
For this reason, we have implemented our 365 web portal project, which will bring our exporters together with foreign buyers 365 days a year, as the second step of the virtual delegations we organize. (,,,,, Our members can gain visibility by entering company and product information on these portals, and advertisement, promotion and delegation works can be done from a single source.
These websites we have prepared will serve as a live platform for foreign buyers who want to reach Turkish exporters, where they can examine products and companies in a compact way. By registering on our platform, buyers will be able to communicate with our members and create zoom meetings in a practical way.
our vision
Our long-term mission with our project is to support our virtual delegations through our 365 platforms and to ensure that our members continue to hold online bilateral meetings in a sustainable manner.
We will effectively promote our platform to buyers within the scope of physical fair participations and advertising and promotional activities that we will carry out in the future, and to reach foreign buyers through our platform without a mediator, to prepare a single ground where they can visit and follow companies.
In the next stage, add-ons regarding the organization of our trade delegations and online fair features will be added to our Platform, and in addition to the physical competition instruments that our members can benefit from for 365 days, a virtual promotion channel will be created that is strongly promoted, supported by advertisements and visited (living) by buyers at regular intervals.
In addition, Trade365 digital transformation trainings will be provided free of charge to our members who join the platform as an extension of our 365 project. Within the scope of digital transformation trainings, detailed information will be given on the effective promotion of social media and online platforms.